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FieldCare SFE500 - universal device configuration

FieldCare SFE500

Universal device configuration

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Kratke specifikacije

  • Features

    • Configuration and commissioning of Endress+Hauser and third-party field devices based on DTM technology

    • Plant view: logical view of plant with tagging and archiving. 

    • Document management: storage of key documents together with the device TAG

    • Inventory view: list of all devices in the plant with convenient search and filter function. 

  • Communication protocols

    • HART, WirelessHART, PROFIBUS, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, Modbus, IO-Link, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET and PROFINET APL protocols 

    • Endress+Hauser service protocols (for enabling access to Endress+Hauser instruments independently of the fieldbus protocol.)

  • CommDTMs

    • for HART, PROFIBUS, FOUNDATION Fieldbus 

    • for Endress+Hauser interface and gateways for remote maintenance

Područje primjene

FieldCare is Endress+Hauser's universal tool for configuring field devices that provides a range of functionality from device parameterization to engineered Condition Monitoring solutions.

  • Configuration and management of smart field devices in a facility

  • Easy device configuration, maintenance management, condition-based maintenance and life cycle management

  • Can be adapted to different needs depending on the license, and is therefore upgradeable at any time


  • Supplied with complete libraries of certified DTMs (Device Type Manager) and FDI Packages for operation of all Endress+Hauser field devices, has CommDTMs for HART, PROFIBUS, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, IO-Link, PROFINET and Endress+Hauser protocols

  • Operates all third-party gateways, actuators, remote I/O systems and sensors supporting the FDT and FDI standard

  • Ensures full functionality for all Endress+Hauser and third-party field devices with DTMs and FDI Packages and offers generic operation with standardized parameters for any third-party field devices that do not have a vendor DTM

  • Integrates all registered HART and FOUNDATION Fieldbus as well as IO-Link field devices without DTMs using iDTM technology

  • Scans, identifies, assigns the device driver and adds it to network automatically

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Extended odabir

  • Vrhunski proizvodi

  • Izuzetno funkcionalno i prikladno

Tehnička izvrsnost


FLEX: Extended ©Endress+Hauser
  • Jednostavni proizvodi

  • Jednostavno je odabrati, instalirati i rukovati

Tehnička izvrsnost


  • Standardni proizvodi

  • Pouzdano, robustno i s malo održavanja

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  • Vrhunski proizvodi

  • Izuzetno funkcionalno i prikladno

Tehnička izvrsnost


  • Specijalizirani proizvodi

  • Dizajnirano za zahtjevne aplikacije

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FLEX odabir Tehnička izvrsnost Jednostavnost
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Fundamental odabir

Udovoljite svojim osnovnim potrebama u mjernju

Tehnička izvrsnost
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Lean odabir

Jednostavno upravljajte svojim osnovnim procesima

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Extended odabir

Optimizirajte svoje procese s inovativnim tehnologijama

Tehnička izvrsnost
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  • E
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Xpert odabir

Ovladajte svojim najizazovnijim aplikacijama

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