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Wastewater surveillance for COVID-19 in a treatment plant

Wastewater monitoring for microbiological contamination

Surveillance of microbiological contamination and stricter disinfection have been on the agenda of major plant operators

Staying vigilant means looking out for possible dangers before they occur. Therefore, the European Commission strongly encourages Member States to implement wastewater sampling and testing in large cities by 1 October 2021, to monitor the presence of pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus). Help manage viral outbreaks proactively through early detection of microbiological contamination with real-time PCR technology and real-time disinfection monitoring using our sensor and solution portfolio.

Naša ponuda

Offering complete measurement solutions from sampling, testing in the laboratories and disinfection monitoring, our portfolio ensures advanced quality management in wastewater surveillance, as well as water abstraction, treatment and distribution, including documentation management, instrument verification, and maintenance strategies for optimal risk management and water safety.

  • Automated and controlled wastewater sample collection using Liquistation CSF48 with wireless transmission capabilities

  • Efficient sample enrichment, automatic extraction, and highly-sensitive real-time PCR analysis – the gold standard for viral diagnostics

  • From wastewater sampling to final results in only 3 hours

  • Full range of instruments for water disinfection monitoring: free chlorine sensors, total chlorine sensors, chlorine dioxide sensors and free bromine sensors with one common transmitter and accessories


Monitoring municipal wastewater for pathogens

Wastewater samples at the inlet of a treatment plant are often collected manually and analyzed for biological parameters that can impact public health. These samples are taken from various locations and analyzed over a period of time to enable plant operators and research institutes to map the prevalence of pathogenic contaminants such as viruses more objectively. The data serves as an early warning detection of the spread of pathogens. However, this increases time and operational resources

Wastewater inlet observation
Naša stručnost na terenu

Taking samples of wastewater can now be automated with our sophisticated samplers which can be placed in various outdoor locations. Wireless data transmission capabilities ensure efficiency in collecting the sample bottles. With its quick cooling time, the biological integrity is preserved ensuring reliability of readings in the laboratory where real-time PCR technology is carried out. Real-time monitoring of disinfection at the outlet of plants is necessary to ensure safe discharge.

  • Benefit from fully automatic sampling in water, wastewater and industrial applications. Liquistation CSF48 water sampler complies with worldwide water regulation and features a fail-safe cooling.

  • Systematic disinfection is an essential step in water treatment and legally required in many areas to protect people and systems. Discover our wide range of sensors and transmitters for disinfection.

  • Reliably and quickly manage high sample loads in accordance with important standards and regulations. Discover our solutions for environmental analysis.

  • Read our blog post and get more information on the SARS-CoV-2 detection workflow in wastewater, which can be uses as an effective tool for COVID/19 management.

How we can help you

Experts exchange in a wastewater treatment plant © Comin Khmere Co., Ltd
Sampling in a waterwater plant with Liquistation CSF48 ©Endress+Hauser


Thanks to more of 60 years of experience that we have gained by working together with our customers in the water and wastewater industry, we have developed a broad portfolio of measuring technologies, automation solutions and service offerings that match the challenges of our customers. We understand the specific challenges of ensuring water safety to comply with environmental laws, protect public health and optimiye costs.

  • 3 hours

    only from sampling to final results.

  • 6 parameters

    monitored at the same time with one multiparameter flow assembly. Sensors installed in the Flowfit CYA27 assembly need a sample flow as low as 5 l/h (1.32 gph) for accurate measurement.

  • 100%

    adaptable to any monitoring task from time- or flow-controlled sampling to event-controlled sampling with the automatic water sampler Liquistation CSF48.

  • Jednostavni proizvodi

  • Jednostavno je odabrati, instalirati i rukovati

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  • Standardni proizvodi

  • Pouzdano, robustno i s malo održavanja

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  • Vrhunski proizvodi

  • Izuzetno funkcionalno i prikladno

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  • Specijalizirani proizvodi

  • Dizajnirano za zahtjevne aplikacije

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Jednostavno upravljajte svojim osnovnim procesima

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Extended odabir

Optimizirajte svoje procese s inovativnim tehnologijama

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Xpert odabir

Ovladajte svojim najizazovnijim aplikacijama

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