Obrađujemo vaše izazove u zahtjevnim operativnim okruženjima
Mi smo vaš pouzdani partner za sve mjerne zadatke. Duboko znanje o primjeni, veliko iskustvo u sedam različitih industrija i prisutnost naših predstavnika širom svijeta - to nas izdvaja od konkurencije. Naša cjelokupna paleta naših mjernih instrumenata, prilagođenih rješenja i usluga temelji se na različitim parametrima pojedinačnih aplikacija i mjernih principa. To vam omogućuje optimalno prilagođavanje svakom izazovu i bilo kojem okruženju. Osigurati vaš uspjeh naša je misija.
Food & Beverage: Trust in quality
Food & Beverage: Trust in quality
Your partner to meet food safety standards, ensure consistent product quality, improve production capacity and drive sustainability initiatives even with limited budgets.
Water & Wastewater: Protect – Conserve – Enhance
Water & Wastewater: Protect – Conserve – Enhance
Endress+Hauser is dedicated to helping you meet your operating targets throughout the water cycle by combining an innovative portfolio of measuring instruments, expert services and industry expertise.
Oil & Gas: Fueling energy transition to net zero
Oil & Gas: Fueling energy transition to net zero
With our broad portfolio of instrumentation, solutions and services we empower customers on the pathway to net zero: from process efficiency and safety to sustainability and regulatory compliance.
Life Sciences: Innovative technology for process excellence
Life Sciences: Innovative technology for process excellence
Partner with us to accelerate your journey from bench-top to production, minimizing risk at every step
Chemical: Partnering for sustainable success
Chemical: Partnering for sustainable success
Optimize your resources and maximize your plant performance. Learn more!
Power & Energy: Power up your plant
Power & Energy: Power up your plant
You provide the world with energy - we provide you with application know-how for your power plant including: steam (coal, gas and oil), combined cycle gas turbine, waste-to-energy, hydro and nuclear.
Utilities: Steam and industrial water management
Utilities: Steam and industrial water management
Make your utilities management more efficient, safe and reliable. Rely on Endress+Hauser to improve your steam energy systems and industrial water treatment. Learn more about our offering here.
Mining, Minerals & Metals: Extracting a sustainable future
Mining, Minerals & Metals: Extracting a sustainable future
Drive efficiency while achieving your ESG goals. Our products and expertise enhance processing, production, storage and distribution of natural resources and raw materials for a sustainable future.
Phyox has built a trend-setting production plant for microalgae. As a partner with know-how, Endress+Hauser supplied not only the process instrumentation, but also the automation technology.
Remat Chemie has specialized on recycling fluids. The complex procedures implemented in their new plant are running smoothly – thanks to Endress+Hauser’s industry competence.
Hacker-Pschorr has installed a world premiere in the new Bräurosl tent: the first vacuum-insulated piping (VIP) for central beer supply installed directly in the tent and Endress+Hauser is on board.